Amazing Daisy!

Nozizwe Herero, Siya Masuku, and Leona Ingram
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Amazing Daisy!

On a little farm lives Daisy, a little chicken who wishes she could fly. All the other chickens laugh at her daily flying practice. But one day something amazing happens

Once upon a time on a little farm near a little village there lived a little chicken called Daisy.

“When I grow up, I want to fly high, But all the other chickens high into the sky,” Daisy said. laughed at her.

“You are so weird,” they said. “Daisy, we can all flap our wings but “We won’t play with you anymore.” it’s very difficult for chickens to fly,” Mama told her.

Daisy wouldn’t give up.
Every day she practiced by herself, flapping her wings.
Flap, flap, flap, she would flap her wings but she couldn’t lift off the ground.

While she practiced, she imagined herself flying high into the sky and looking at the chickens below.
She imagined herself flying past the sparrows and past the swallows.
“Wow!” the birds would say. “A chicken that can fly!”

She would lift off the ground but fall down again.
So ... Flap, flap, flap, every day Daisy would flap her wings.

“I’m never going to fly!” Daisy cried “Daisy, you are different from the to Mama. “The others are right.” other chickens. They don’t want to fly but you do! You can do it,” Mama said.

The following day Daisy climbed to the top of the chicken coop and flap, flap, flap, she flapped her wings.
She flew into the air and flapped her wings ...
and flapped her wings ... and flapped her wings and ...

The other chickens laughed out loud.
“Ha ha ha! We told you! Chickens can’t fly!”

But the next day Daisy climbed even higher, right up to the top of the rondavel.
Flap, flap, flap, Daisy flapped her wings.
She flew into the air and flapped her wings ... and flapped her wings ... and flapped her wingswings and ...

She kept flying!
The wind beneath her wings grew stronger and she flew higher and higher!
The sparrows and the swallows said, “Amazing! A flying chicken!”

And the other chickens wanted to be just like her.
They said, “Oh Daisy, you’re amazing!”



  • once upon a time: a long time ago in the past
  • wings: one of the parts of the body of a bird that it uses for flying
  • weird: very strange or unusual
  • swallow: a small bird, with long pointed wings and a tail with two points
  • beneath: under somebody/something
  • flap, flapping, flapped: a quick often noisy movement of something up and down
  • coop: a cage for chickens
  • rondavel: a round hut with a pointed roof that is usually made from dried grass
  • amazing: very surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • once upon a time: нэг удаа: эрт дээр үед өнгөрсөн
  • wings: далавч: шувууны нисэхэд ашигладаг биеийн хэсгүүдийн нэг
  • weird: хачин: маш хачирхалтай эсвэл ер бусын
  • swallow: хараацай: жижиг шувуу, урт үзүүртэй далавчтай, хоёр үзүүртэй сүүлтэй
  • beneath: дор: хэн нэгний/ямар нэг зүйлийн доор
  • flap, flapped, flapping: хийсэх, хийсэх, хийсэх: ямар нэг зүйлийг дээш доош хурдан, ихэвчлэн чимээ шуугиантай хөдөлгөх
  • coop: саравч: тахианы тор
  • rondavel: rondavel: ихэвчлэн хатаасан өвсөөр хийсэн үзүүртэй дээвэртэй дугуй овоохой
  • amazing: гайхалтай: маш гайхалтай, ялангуяа таны дуртай эсвэл биширдэг байдлаар


  • once upon a time: бір кезде: баяғыда өткен
  • wings: қанаттар: құстың ұшу үшін пайдаланатын денесінің бір бөлігі
  • weird: оғаш: өте біртүрлі немесе әдеттен тыс
  • swallow: қарлығаш: кішкентай құс, қанаттары ұзын, құйрығы екі ұшы бар
  • beneath: астында: біреудің/бір нәрсенің астында
  • flap, flapped, flapping: қағу, қағу, қағу: бір нәрсенің жоғары және төмен жылдам жиі шулы қозғалысы
  • coop: қора: тауықтарға арналған тор
  • rondavel: әдетте кептірілген шөптен жасалған үшкір төбесі бар дөңгелек саятшылық
  • amazing: таңқаларлық: өте таңқаларлық, әсіресе сізге ұнайтын немесе таңданатын жолмен


  • once upon a time: กาลครั้งหนึ่งนานมาแล้วในอดีต
  • wings: ปีก: ส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งของร่างกายของนกที่ใช้บิน
  • weird: แปลก: แปลกมากหรือผิดปกติ
  • swallow: นกนางแอ่น: นกตัวเล็ก ๆ มีปีกแหลมยาวและหางมี 2 จุด
  • beneath: ใต้: ภายใต้ใครบางคน/บางสิ่งบางอย่าง
  • flap, flapped, flapping: กระพือ กระพือ กระพือ : การเคลื่อนไหวอย่างรวดเร็วมักมีเสียงดังของบางสิ่งขึ้นและลง
  • coop: เล้า: กรงสำหรับไก่
  • rondavel: กระท่อมทรงกลมที่มีหลังคาแหลมซึ่งมักทำจากหญ้าแห้ง
  • amazing: อัศจรรย์: น่าประหลาดใจมาก โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งในแบบที่คุณชอบหรือชื่นชม


  • once upon a time: एक पटकमा: विगतमा लामो समय पहिले
  • wings: पखेटा: चराको शरीरको एक भाग जुन यसले उडानको लागि प्रयोग गर्दछ
  • weird: अजीब: धेरै अनौठो वा असामान्य
  • swallow: निगल: लामो पोइन्ट पखेटा र दुई अंक भएको पुच्छर भएको सानो चरा
  • beneath: तल: कसैको मुनि / केहि
  • flap, flapped, flapping: फ्ल्याप, फ्ल्यापिंग, फ्ल्याप: केहि माथि र तल को एक द्रुत अक्सर शोर आंदोलन
  • coop: कुखुराको लागि पिंजरा
  • rondavel: रोन्डाभेल: एक गोलाकार झुपडी एक पोइन्ट छत संग जुन सामान्यतया सुकेको घाँसबाट बनाइन्छ
  • amazing: आश्चर्यजनक: धेरै आश्चर्यजनक, विशेष गरी तपाईलाई मनपर्ने वा प्रशंसा गर्ने तरिकामा
