Grandpa Farouk's Garden

by Sam van Riet, Matthew Kalil and Nina Lewis
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Grandpa Farouk's Garden

Read by Jim Damico

Amir loves Grandpa Farouk’s garden. But it’s dying. What can Amir do to help?

Deep in the city, surrounded by houses and bricks and tar,
you’ll find Grandpa Farouk’s garden.

Amir visits Grandpa once a week.
He loves the leaves and flowers and trees.

Amir helps to water the plants.
He helps with the compost, and works with his Grandpa all day.

When they finish, they feast on a harvest of fruit.
One day, Grandpa didn’t eat his pear. “What’s wrong?” asked Amir.

“My garden is dying,” replied Grandpa. “Why?” asked Amir.
“Look closely,” said Grandpa. “Some pests are eating the plants.”

“We need ladybirds!” said Grandpa. “They are the bugs that eat the pests that kill the plants. Without ladybirds, the garden will die.”
“I’ll bring you a bug or two,” said Amir.

For a whole week, Amir looked and searched and collected.
He found one ladybird on the sports field.

Two more at the shop.
Three at the park.

And four behind the TV.

Next week, Amir went to visit Grandpa Farouk, and showed him his jar of ten bugs.
“You’ve done well, oh my boy, you’ve done well,” Grandpa said, with a tear in his eye.

Grandpa was very happy. The ladybirds were very hungry!

The ladybirds ate the pests, and the garden blossomed.

From that day on, Grandpa Farouk’s garden did what gardens should do.
It grew and grew and grew.

[Reading Level 2.7]

Grandpa Farouk's Garden

Grandpa Farouk's Garden


  • tar: a dark, heavy, sticky substance made from coal, and is used to cover roads
  • compost: mix of decaying leaves, vegetables, or manure that is used to improve garden soil
  • feast: very large meal with many tasty foods and desserts
  • harvest: time of season for gathering of ripe crops
  • pest: bugs that are not good for living plants
  • ladybird: a small, round beetle that is red or orange with black spots
  • collect: to gather the same kinds of things together
  • tear: a drop of water that comes from the eye
  • blossom: to produce flowers

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • tar: тар: харанхуй, хүнд, наалдамхай бодисыг нүүрснээс гаргаж авдаг бөгөөд зам тавихад ашигладаг
  • compost: ялзмагийн: цэцэрлэгийн хөрсийг сайжруулахад ашигладаг ялзарч буй навч, ногоо, ялгадас зэргийг холино
  • feast: найр: олон тооны амттай хоол, амттангаар хийсэн маш том хоол
  • harvest: ургац хураалт: боловсорсон ургац хураах улирлын цаг
  • pest: хортон шавьж: амьд ургамалд тохиромжгүй алдаанууд
  • ladybird: хатагтай: хар толботой улаан, улбар шар өнгөтэй жижиг бөөрөнхий цох
  • collect: цуглуулах: ижил зүйл цуглуулахын тулд
  • tear: урах: нүднээс нь дусал дуслаарай
  • blossom: цэцэглэх: цэцэг ургуулах


  • tar: тар: қара, ауыр, жабысқақ зат көмірден жасалған және жолдарды жабу үшін қолданылады
  • compost: компост: бақша топырағын жақсарту үшін қолданылатын ыдырайтын жапырақтар, көкөністер немесе көң қоспасы
  • feast: той: көптеген дәмді тағамдар мен десерттерден тұратын өте үлкен тағам
  • harvest: егін: піскен дақылдарды жинау маусымы уақыты
  • pest: зиянкестер: тірі өсімдіктерге жарамайтын қателер
  • ladybird: аруақ: қара дақтармен қызыл немесе қызғылт сары түсті кішкентай, дөңгелек қоңыз
  • collect: жинау: бірдей заттарды бірге жинау
  • tear: жырту: көзден шыққан бір тамшы су
  • blossom: гүл: гүл шығару


  • tar: น้ำมันดิน: สารสีเข้มหนักเหนียวที่ทำจากถ่านหินและถูกใช้เพื่อปิดถนน
  • compost: ปุ๋ยหมัก: การผสมผสานของใบไม้เนื้อที่เสื่อมโทรมผักหรือปุ๋ยคอกที่ใช้ในการปรับปรุงดินสวน
  • feast: งานฉลอง: มื้อใหญ่มากพร้อมอาหารอร่อยและของหวานมากมาย
  • harvest: เก็บเกี่ยว: เวลาของฤดูกาลสำหรับการรวบรวมพืชผลสุก
  • pest: ศัตรูพืช: ข้อบกพร่องที่ไม่ดีสำหรับพืชที่มีชีวิต
  • ladybird: เต่าทอง: ด้วงกลมขนาดเล็กที่มีสีแดงหรือสีส้มมีจุดสีดำ
  • collect: เก็บ: เพื่อรวบรวมสิ่งต่าง ๆ เข้าด้วยกัน
  • tear: ฉีก: หยดน้ำที่มาจากตา
  • blossom: ดอก: ในการผลิตดอกไม้


  • tar: tar: एक कालो, भारी, चिपचिपा पदार्थ कोइलाबाट बनेको छ, र सडकहरू ढाक्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ
  • compost: कम्पोस्ट गर्नुहोस्: कटौती पत्तियां, सब्जिहरु, या खाद को मिश्रण जो बगैचा माटो को सुधार को लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छ
  • feast: पर्व: धेरै स्वादिष्ट खानेकुरा र डेसर्टहरूसँग धेरै ठूलो भोजन
  • harvest: खेती गर्नुहोस्: पक्कै फसलहरूको जम्मा गर्न मौसमको समय
  • pest: कीट: बगहरू कि जीवित बिरुवाहरूको लागि राम्रो हुँदैनन्
  • ladybird: ladybird: एक सानो, राउन्ड बीटल जुन कालो स्पटसँग रातो र नारंगी हो
  • collect: सङ्कलन गर्नुहोस्: त्यसै प्रकारका चीजहरू एकत्रित गर्न
  • tear: आँसु: आँखाबाट आएको पानीको एक ड्रप
  • blossom: फूल: फूलहरू उत्पादन गर्न
