Lara, the Yellow Ladybird

by Catherine Holtzhausen and Martha Evans
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Lara, the Yellow Ladybird

Read by Juanita Klenklen

A yellow bug in a world of red, Lara the Ladybird just wants to fit in.

Lara the ladybird was a special bug. unlike all her friends, she had bright yellow wings.

Everyone loved her yellow wings.
Each morning, Bibi Butterfly said hello. And Manto Mantis always waved.

Even Sesa, the sulky spider, was happy to see her.
At school, she played with lots of friends.

But Lara wanted to be like the other ladybirds. “I wish I had red wings like you, Mama,” she cried.

So one day, to cheer her up, Lara’s mother painted her wings bright red.

The next morning, nobody greeted Lara on her way to school.

And when she got there, none of her friends said hello.

Lara sat all alone. No one noticed her new red wings.
Until Miss Miya spotted her and said: “You’ve painted your lovely yellow wings!”

Lara’s classmates were shocked. “So unique!” “Your wings are special!” “So rare!”

“Lara,” Miss Miya said, “your yellow wings are what make you you. Like Sipho’s spot ... and Sally’s legs.”

Back home, Lara took a long bath and “I’ll never paint my wings again!” scrubbed until her golden wings gleamed. she thought. Except, maybe once or twice ...

To try a bit of purple ...
or something nice.
But not for ever and just for fun.


Lara, the Yellow Ladybird

Lara, the Yellow Ladybird


  • bug: any small insect
  • cheer up: to make someone happier, more cheerful
  • spotted: to suddenly see a person or thing
  • shocked: to have a strong feeling of surprise
  • unique: the only one of its kind
  • golden: to have a gold color
  • unlike: different, not the same
  • wings: parts of a bird or bug used to fly
  • waved: to move your hand or arm from side to side
  • spot: a small round area that has a different colour

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • bug: алдаа: ямар ч жижиг шавьж
  • cheer up: хошигнох: хэн нэгнийг илүү аз жаргалтай, хөгжилтэй болгох
  • spotted: толбот: хүн эсвэл зүйлийг гэнэт харах
  • shocked: цочирдсон: гэнэтийн хүчтэй мэдрэмж төрөх
  • unique: өвөрмөц: түүний цорын ганц зүйл
  • golden: алтан: алтан өнгөтэй байх
  • unlike: ялгаатай: ялгаатай, ижил биш
  • wings: далавч: нисэхэд ашигладаг шувууны хэсэг эсвэл алдааны хэсэг
  • waved: даллаж: гар, гараа хажуу тийш нь хөдөлгөх
  • spot: толбо: өөр өнгөтэй жижиг дугуй талбай


  • bug: қате: кез-келген кішкентай жәндіктер
  • cheer up: көңілін көтеру: біреуді бақытты, көңілді ету
  • spotted: дақ: адамды немесе затты кенеттен көру
  • shocked: шок: қатты таңдану сезімі болу керек
  • unique: бірегей: оның жалғыз түрі
  • golden: алтын: алтын түске ие болу
  • unlike: айырмашылығы: әртүрлі, бірдей емес
  • wings: қанаттар: ұшуға пайдаланылатын құстың немесе қатенің бөліктері
  • to wave: қол бұлғады: қолды немесе қолды бір жақтан екінші жаққа жылжыту
  • spot: дақ: басқа түске ие кішкентай дөңгелек аймақ


  • bug: แมลง: แมลงตัวเล็ก ๆ
  • cheer up: กำลังใจ: ทำให้ใครบางคนมีความสุขร่าเริงมากขึ้น
  • spotted: เห็น: เห็นบุคคลหรือสิ่งของอย่างกะทันหัน
  • shocked: ตกใจ: มีความรู้สึกประหลาดใจอย่างมาก
  • unique: ไม่เหมือนใคร: หนึ่งเดียวในประเภทนี้
  • golden: สีทอง: มีสีทอง
  • unlike: ไม่เหมือน: แตกต่างไม่เหมือนกัน
  • wings: ปีก: ชิ้นส่วนของนกหรือแมลงที่ใช้บิน
  • to wave: โบกมือ: เพื่อขยับมือหรือแขนจากด้านหนึ่งไปอีกด้านหนึ่ง
  • spot: จุด: พื้นที่กลมเล็ก ๆ ที่มีสีแตกต่างกัน


  • bug: बग: कुनै पनि सानो कीरा
  • cheer up: हौसला प्रदान गर्नुहोस्: कसैलाई खुशी पार्नुहोस्, बढी प्रसन्न
  • spotted: कलंकित: अचानक एक व्यक्ति वा कुरा हेर्न
  • shocked: स्तब्ध: आश्चर्य को एक मजबूत भावना छ
  • unique: अद्वितीय: यसको प्रकारको एक मात्र
  • golden: सुनौलो: सुनको रंग पाउन
  • unlike: विपरीत: फरक, समान छैन
  • wings: पखेटा: चरा वा बगको भागहरू उडान गर्न प्रयोग गरियो
  • to wave: वेभ गरिएको: तपाईको हात वा बाहु बाट अर्को साइड बाट सार्न
  • spot: स्पट: सानो रंग क्षेत्र जुन फरक रंगको छ
