Londi, The Dreaming Girl

Illustrated by Lauren Holliday and Written by Nathalie Koenig
Available at Bookdash.org and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Londi, The Dreaming Girl

Read by Udval

Londi loves to dream all day. But where will her dreams take her?

Londi was a dreaming girl.
Up in the sky, she didn’t see clouds.

Instead Londi saw flying geese, jumping fish,
and fluffy sheep running home.

One afternoon, Gogo came outside, looking tired.
“Londi, stop dreaming!” she said. “It’s time to go and fetch the water.”

Londi stood up and smiled at her feet.
“Let’s go, feet! You know the way there!”

Londi started walking to the tap.
She crept past Mama Neli’s house.
She hopped over the rocks. She dashed down the path.

The line at the tap was long.
“Oh no!” Londi said to her feet.
“We’ll have to wait. Let’s stay in line.
No dreaming away!”

Ooh! Londi thought. But what’s that shining over there?
I wonder who lost their shoe?

Did it belong to or something else... a girl like me?

And what’s that under there? Cheep! Cheep!

And what’s that big shadow? Uh oh, it’s Gogo!
“Londi, your bucket nearly rolled away!”
“Sorry, Gogo. I dreamed too far, again.”

They filled up the bucket together.
Londi watched the big sun sink into the hills.
“Come let’s go, my dreaming girl,” said Gogo.

“Look, Gogo! There’s a pink pig in the sky!”
“Oh Londi... It’s just a cloud,” Gogo sighed.
Londi took Gogo’s hand and they walked home together happily.


Londi the Dreaming Girl

Londi, the Dreaming Girl


  • dream: a picture in one's head but not real
  • clouds: white in the sky made of very, very small drops of water
  • instead: in place of
  • geese: (more than one) goose - a bird like a large duck with a long neck
  • fluffy: soft, light and full of air
  • fetch: to go get something and bring back
  • tap: something that controls water to fill buckets
  • crept: (past tense) creep - move while trying not to be seen or heard
  • dashed: ran
  • shadow: a dark place where something blocks the light

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries, kids.wordsmyth.com, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • dream: мөрөөдөл: толгой доторх зураг боловч бодит бус
  • clouds: үүлс: тэнгэрт цагаан маш их, маш бага дусал усаар хийсэн
  • instead: оронд нь
  • geese: галуу: (нэгээс олон) галуу - урт хүзүүтэй том нугас шиг шувуу
  • fluffy: сэвсгэр: зөөлөн, гэрэл, агаараар дүүрэн
  • fetch: ямар нэгэн зүйл авч явж буцааж авчрах
  • tap: Цонх: савыг дүүргэхийн тулд усыг хянадаг зүйл
  • crept: Жигүүр: (өнгөрсөн цаг үед) - харагдах эсвэл сонсохыг оролдсоноор хөдөлдөг
  • dashed: тасрах: гүйж
  • shadow: сүүдэр: харанхуй газар нь ямар нэгэн зүйл гэрлийг блоклодог

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • dream: арман: сурет басында, бірақ нақты емес
  • clouds: бұлттар: аспандағы ақ, өте су тамшылары
  • instead: орнына
  • geese: қаздар: (бірден көп) қаз - ұзын мойны бар үлкен үйрек сияқты құс
  • fluffy: жұмсақ, жеңіл және толық ауа
  • fetch: алып кел: бірдеңе алып, кері қайтар
  • tap: шоқтарды толтыру үшін суды басқаратын нәрсе
  • crept: (Өткен уақыт) серпіліс - көрінбейтін немесе естілмейтін тырысыңыз
  • dashed: қылқалам: жүгірді
  • shadow: көлеңке: қараңғы аймақ, онда нәрсе жарықты блоктайды

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • dream: ความฝัน: ภาพในหัว แต่ไม่จริง
  • clouds: เมฆ: สีขาวบนท้องฟ้าทำจากน้ำหยดน้ำมาก ๆ
  • instead: แทน
  • geese: ห่าน: (มากกว่าหนึ่ง) ห่าน - นกเหมือนเป็ดขนาดใหญ่ที่มีคอยาว
  • fluffy: ปุยนุ่มเบาและเต็มไปด้วยอากาศ
  • fetch: เรียก: ไปรับบางสิ่งบางอย่างและนำกลับมา
  • tap: แตะ: สิ่งที่ควบคุมน้ำเพื่อเติมถัง
  • crept: คืบคลาน - พุ่งพรวดเข้ามาขณะพยายามไม่เห็นหรือได้ยิน
  • dashed: วิ่ง
  • shadow: เงา: พื้นที่มืดที่มีบางสิ่งบังแสง

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • dream: सपना: टाउको मा तस्वीर तर वास्तविक छैन
  • clouds: बादलहरू: पानीमा धेरै, धेरै साना थोपाहरूबाट बनेको आकाशमा सेता
  • instead: सट्टामा: को ठाउँमा
  • geese: गुस: (एक भन्दा बढी) हंस - एउटा लामो घाँटी संग ठूलो बतख जस्तै चरा
  • fluffy: फ्लफी: नरम, हल्का र हावाले भरिएको
  • fetch: ल्याउनुहोस्: जानको लागि केहि प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् र फिर्ता ल्याउनुहोस्
  • tap: ट्याप: बाल्टिनहरू भर्न पानी नियन्त्रण गर्ने कुरा
  • crept: क्रेप्ट: (विगत काल) रमाईलो - देख्न वा सुन्न को लागी प्रयास गर्दा सार्नुहोस्
  • dashed: ड्यास: भागे
  • shadow: छाया: अँध्यारो स्थान जहाँ केहीले बत्तीलाई रोक्दछ

Source: Translate.Google.com