Thato's Birthday Surprise

by Corinne Lamoral Rosmarin, Brad Cuzen and Jodi Houareau
Available at and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Thato's Birthday Surprise

Read by Jim Damico

It is one week until Thato’s Birthday. His mama tells him he will have a big surprise. What will it be?

It is one week until Thato’s birthday.
That’s seven whole days!

His mama says: “Your birthday present will be a BIG surprise!”
Thato wonders: what will it be?

On Monday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will get giant wings so I can fly high in the sky like a bird...”

On Tuesday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will have a birthday cake as big as a house!”

On Wednesday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will get a rocket ship to whizz up to the moon.”

On Thursday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will get fins so I can swim under the water like a fish.”

On Friday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will get magic soccer boots and score a thousand goals!”

On Saturday Thato thinks: “Maybe I will get a key that opens a box filled with treasure!”

On Sunday it is Thato’s birthday. Mama smiles and says: “Come and see your surprise!”

It is the best present ever. Thato’s big brother Kudzai has come to visit all the way from the big city!

Thato smiles and smiles and his big brother lifts him up in the air and hugs him.
Kudzai asks: “What do you want to do for your birthday, little brother?”

And Thato knows exactly what they will do the whole day long.


Thato's Birthday Surprise

Thato's Birthday Surprise


  • surprise: something that is unknown but will probably make you happy
  • wonders: to want to know or be curious about
  • giant: very, very big, bigger than normal
  • rocket ship: a tube-shape ship that flies up very fast
  • fins: thin, flat body parts of a fish used for swimming
  • thousand: 1000
  • treasure: a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver and jewellery
  • hugs: to put your arms around somebody and hold them to show that you love them
  • whole: all

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries,, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • surprise: гэнэтийн зүйл: мэдэхгүй зүйл гэхдээ таныг аз жаргалтай болгоно
  • wonders: гайхамшгууд: мэдэхийг хүсч байгаа эсвэл сонирхож мэдэх сонирхолтой байх
  • giant: аварга том: ердийнхөөс том, том том
  • rocket ship: Пуужингийн хөлөг онгоц: маш хурдан нисдэг хоолой хэлбэрийн хөлөг онгоц
  • fins: усанд хэрэглэдэг загасны нимгэн биеийн хавтгай хэсгүүд
  • thousand: мянга: 1000
  • treasure: баялаг: алт, мөнгө, гоёл чимэглэл зэрэг үнэт зүйлсийн цуглуулга
  • hugs: Тэврэлт: хэн нэгнийг гараа тавьж, тэднийг хайрладгаа үзүүлээрэй
  • whole: Бүгдээрээ: бүгд


  • surprise: таңқаларлық: белгісіз нәрсе, бірақ сізді бақытты етеді
  • wonders: ғажайыптар: білу немесе қызықтыру
  • giant: алып: өте, өте үлкен, қалыптыдан гөрі үлкен
  • rocket ship: зымыран тасығышы: өте жылдам ұшатын түтік тәрізді кеме
  • fins: жүзу: жүзу үшін пайдаланылатын балықтың жұқа, тегіс дене бөліктері
  • thousand: 1000
  • treasure: қазына: алтын, күміс және зергерлік бұйымдар сияқты бағалы заттар жинағы
  • hugs: құшақтасу: біреудің үстіне қолыңызды салып, оларды сүйетіндігіңді көрсету үшін ұстаңыз
  • whole: барлығы


  • surprise: สิ่งที่ไม่เป็นที่รู้จัก แต่อาจทำให้คุณมีความสุข
  • wonders: มหัศจรรย์: อยากรู้หรืออยากรู้
  • giant: ยักษ์: ใหญ่มากใหญ่กว่าปกติ
  • rocket ship: จรวดเรือ: เรือรูปทรงกระบอกที่ลอยขึ้นอย่างรวดเร็ว
  • fins: ครีบ: บาง ๆ ส่วนลำตัวแบนของปลาที่ใช้ว่ายน้ำ
  • thousand: พัน: 1000
  • treasure: สมบัติ: ชุดของสิ่งของที่มีค่าเช่นทองเงินและเครื่องเพชรพลอย
  • hugs: กอด: ใส่แขนไปรอบ ๆ ใครสักคนและถือไว้เพื่อแสดงให้เห็นว่าคุณรักพวกเขา
  • whole: ทั้งหมด: ทั้งหมด


  • surprise: आश्चर्य: केहि अज्ञात छ तर शायद तपाइँ खुशी हुनेछ
  • wonders: चमत्कारहरू: जान्न वा उत्सुक हुनको लागि
  • giant: विशाल: धेरै, धेरै ठूलो, सामान्य भन्दा ठूलो
  • rocket ship: रकेट जहाज: एक ट्यूब-आकार जहाज जो धेरै छिटो उड्दछ
  • fins: पखेटा: पौडी खेल्नको लागि प्रयोग गरिएको माछाको पातलो, समतल शरीर भागहरू
  • thousand: हजार: १०००
  • treasure: खजाना: बहुमूल्य चीजहरूको संग्रह जस्तै सुन, चाँदी र गहना
  • hugs: अंगालो: कसैको वरिपरि आफ्नो पाखुरा राख्न र तपाइँ तिनीहरूलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ भनेर देखाउन समात्नुहोस्
  • whole: सम्पूर्ण: सबै
