Why Is There A Hole In The Wall?

Amy Slatem, Catherine Parkinson, Danielle Botha, Kirsty Paxton
Available at Bookdash.org and republished under a CC-BY 4.0 license


Why Is There A Hole In The Wall?

Read by Kathy Sheppard

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asks. He gets lots of interesting answers…but he keeps on asking.

Lungisa lived in a village called esiKhaleni or Place of Noise.
Some people also called it Hole-in-the-Wall.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his mother.
“Because one of the sea-people used a giant fish head to break through the wall so that he could get to the woman he loved.”

“Interesting,” said Lungisa.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his teacher.

“Because waves crashed against the rock for millions of years, and made a hole in the sandstone,” said his teacher.

“Interesting,” said Lungisa.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his granny.
“So that our ancestors will have a gateway to us.”
“Interesting,” said Lungisa.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his auntie.
“It is a window to God.” “Interesting,” said Lungisa.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his friend.
“Because a ship crashed into the wall.” “Interesting,” said Lungisa.

“Why is there a hole in the wall?” Lungisa asked his little sister.
“So that my brother will keep on asking questions,” she said.

And Lungisa laughed.

But he kept on asking.


Why Is There A Hole In The Wall?

Why Is There A Hole In The Wall?


  • gateway: a place through which you can go to reach another place
  • waves: a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea or ocean
  • giant: very large
  • crashed: to hit something hard while moving causing noise and damage
  • ancestors: a person in your family who lived a long time ago

Ref: Google Dictionary, Oxford Learners Dictionaries, kids.wordsmyth.com, MacMillan Dictionary, Word Hippo

  • gateway: гарц: өөр газар хүрэх замаар явж болох газар
  • waves: долгион: далай, далайн гадаргуу дээгүүр хөдөлдөг усны дээш өргөгдсөн шугам
  • giant: аварга: маш том
  • crashed: осолдсон: хөдөлж байхдаа ямар нэгэн зүйлийг хүчтэй цохих, дуу чимээ, гэмтэл учруулах
  • ancestors: өвөг дээдэс: танай гэр бүлийн аль эрт амьдарч байсан хүн

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • gateway: шлюз: басқа жерге жетуге болатын орын
  • waves: толқындар: теңіз немесе мұхит бетімен жылжитын көтерілген су желісі
  • giant: алып: өте үлкен
  • crashed: апатқа ұшырады: қозғалу кезінде қатты нәрсеге соғылып, шу мен зақым келтірді
  • ancestors: ата -бабалар: сіздің отбасыңызда бұрыннан өмір сүрген адам

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • gateway: เกตเวย์: ที่ซึ่งคุณสามารถไปถึงที่อื่นได้
  • waves: คลื่น: แนวน้ำที่เคลื่อนผ่านพื้นผิวทะเลหรือมหาสมุทร
  • giant: ยักษ์: ใหญ่มาก
  • crashed: ชน: กระแทกบางสิ่งอย่างแรงขณะเคลื่อนที่ทำให้เกิดเสียงและความเสียหาย
  • ancestors: บรรพบุรุษ : คนในครอบครัวของคุณที่อาศัยอยู่เมื่อนานมาแล้ว

Source: Translate.Google.com

  • gateway: गेटवे: एक ठाउँ जसको माध्यम बाट तपाइँ अर्को ठाउँमा पुग्न जान सक्नुहुन्छ
  • waves: छालहरु: पानी को एक उठेको लाइन हो कि समुद्र वा महासागर को सतह मा सार्दछ
  • giant: विशाल: धेरै ठूलो
  • crashed: दुर्घटना: शोर र क्षति को कारण सार्दै गर्दा केहि कडा हिट गर्न
  • ancestors: पुर्खाहरु: तपाइँको परिवार मा एक व्यक्ति जो एक लामो समय पहिले बाँच्यो

Source: Translate.Google.com